Friday, March 21, 2014

Foolish Falderal Friday! Go Ahead, Get The Dictionary...

TGIF! Hope you are having a fantastically fabulous Friday! Here is a foolish little poem about a bus ride I took twelve years ago titled: The Bus Ride (Yes, yes, the title is quite original, don't you think?)

Once upon a starry night the moon was brightly lit.

A gentle breeze tickles distant trees and on this bus I sit.

Gazing out my window admiring the night

Wishing I could read my book, alas there is no light.

Dispersing that one thought I gaze outside once more.

Slowly I’m relaxing when a man begins to snore.

His snoring becomes louder as he sleeps without a care,

Protected by his peaceful dreams against my cold, hard glare.

Trying my best to block out the noise I take in more sights ASTOUNDING!

The bus driver almost sideswiped a truck and it sends my heart a-pounding.

The best thing to do in a case such as this is to quickly drift asleep.

Of course this proves most difficult when a child is kicking the seat!

Finally peace and quiet with a little time to think…

I spoke to soon, it figures! The bathroom’s making the whole bus stink!
Stay tuned! I'll be back Monday. Next Friday I will be sharing a little gem I found in my other folder on Facebook. It's fun, fatuous and, dare I add, a little freaky.
falderal [fal-duh-ral]
1.) mere nonsense, foolish talk or ideas
2.) a trifle; gimcrack; gew-gaw
Can't leave you hanging! If you're wondering what the hell a gimcrack is, like I was, I'll tell you: it's a trifle or gew-gaw. A gew-gaw is what a baby babbles. No, it's a showy, gaudy but valueless and useless trinket or bauble. If you don't know what a bauble is, you're on your own. I've got pizza to eat and beer to drink. Have a great weekend! Cheers!

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